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Helmut Lachenmann - Allegro Sostenuto
Price: € 11,99
WWE 1CD 31863

Helmut Lachenmann
Allegro Sostenuto

      mp3 320 kB/s
Helmut Lachenmann, Allegro sostenuto_Pression_dal niente_ Interieur I 9,99 € | download
Both Sostenuto and Dal niente were composed for the clarinetist Eduard Brunner. “As in the earlier Ausklang for piano and orchestra, the musical material is determined by the interplay of the experiences of resonance on the one hand and motion on the other. Both aspects of sound encounter one another in the conception of structure as a multiply ambivalent ‘arpeggio’, i.e. as a process of construction, deconstruction and reconstruction – experienced in temporal succession – which is conveyed both as a figurative gesture in the shortest time possible and as a projection onto larger planes.” (Lachenmann) He implemented his ‘idea of an instrumental musique concrète’ in Pression and Dal niente. “What is meant by this is a music in which the acoustic events are chosen and organized so that the manner of their generation is no less a part of the musical experience than the resulting acoustic properties themselves.” In Interieur I a distinct space for playing is created by the arrangement oft the instruments in the shape of a horsehoe.An‘Intérieur’ of sorts, which can be illuminated in a variety of different ways.”
Eduard Brunner: Clarinet
Walter Grimmer: Violoncello
Massimiliano Damerini: Piano
Johannes Beer: Percussion

Julia Lachenmann: Cover Design

"Allegro Sostenuto" recorded 19th April 1991 at SWF-Studio 3, Tübingen
"Pression", "Dal Niente" and "Intérieur I" recorded 22nd & 23rd November 1991 at Rosbaud-Studio, Baden-Baden

Co-produced by col legno and Südwestfunk Baden-Baden



“The immediacy of sounding eruptions”: Gran Torso and Salut für Caudwell in exemplary recordings by the famous Berner Streichquartett, and the guitar duo Bruck/Ross. 
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