Musical places where apparently motionless and dead things are going to be transformed into living and present forms.
The combination of percussion instruments and electronics opens up a immersive sonoric landscape
En dehors is the debut album of the aspiring chamber music ensemble Spectrum Saxophonquartett
"Interploitation" is the third studio album of the cellist Lukas Lauermann. He intervens in own recordings and create new pieces from it.
Josef Novotny & Peter Herbert for the first time as duo. In "prolifics" precision meets fre improvisation.
An adventurous journey into into the vastness of fantasy: orient meets occident.
Drawing influences from minimalist and improvised music, m o s fuses spontaneous interplay with meticulous structures.
“The Best Version of Myself” is composed music without a score: an energetic-performative outburst.
Angel View is an assemblage of urban and musical debris. A hybrid between a wordless live radio play, soundtrack and instrumental theatre.
Axis Mundi - a fine selection of contemporary works for prepared piano w/ electroacoustics - magnificently played by Hélène Pereira.
BONECRUSHER: music ranging from sound-sculpture noise drones to walls-of-Jericho-collapsing blasts to delicate webs of air and tone, resonating overtones with layered articulations.
Wolfgang Mitterer - two-time recipient of Austrian Film Music Award - hereby presents his “temp tracks” (music that serves as a preliminary soundtrack for films).
Colorful jazz by the versatile Austrian saxophonist Romed Hopfgartner, absolutely worth listening!
A dark glowing sound in contemporary jazz: the picture-rich and atmospheric debut album by the Austrian trio VOS!
“A man is only fully a human being when he plays.” (Friedrich Schiller)
“So it is a matter of distributing the signs on the paper and weighing them against each other to create a kind of dance." (Gerhard Amanshauser)
“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.” (Victor Hugo)
Dream becomes nightmare: Wolfgang Mitterer’s multi-layered music for the silent film »Phantom« by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau!