About the album |
Axis Mundi contains a fine selcetion of contemporary works for "extended" piano (prepared piano and / or with electroacoustics). Interweaving gestures, the body stretches continuously between earth and sky, the primitive power of vibrations and the refinement of sound, the intuition of raw material and the invisible of ether. Changing your perception to find a balance is to seek within yourself the constant movement that remains motionless at its core - the point where time and eternity are one. Here, it is music that offers a double face that is inseparable from humanity, unfolding between memory and becoming between tribal ritualization in homage to the earth and the silence of prayer like an arrow thrown towards the sky, vertical axis of a world which seeks its song. |
About the artist |
© Jean-Michel Blasco |
A performer engaged in contemporary repertoire and experimental music, pianist Hélène Pereira thrives on encounters with artists from fields such as theatre, dance, and visual arts. Her activity extends to that of soloist with the Yin ensemble (directed by Philippe Festou) which specialises in contemporary music.
Hélène Pereira regularly performs music using electronic devices such as the Disklavier (e.g. in Risset’s Duet For One Pianist) and real-time reprocessing (e.g. works by Christian Sébille and Isotta Trastevere). She also participates in collaborative improvisation (e.g. with François Rossé and Jean-Marc Montera) or as a solo improviser where she regularly uses literary texts and other sources as an inspiration.
Her recording AZOTH on the col legno label was nominated in 2019 for the Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik and was one of the selections for the best contemporary music recording on the Italian magazine Percorsi Musicali. Hélène Pereira’s latest recording, Axis Mundi (released 2021 - Col Legno label), includes works for “extended” piano (prepared piano and/or with electroacoustics) where the performer adopts atypical piano setups to create a new piano sound. |
1CD | Instrumental | Piano | III Edition | Contemporary |
Recommendation |
Wolfgang Mitterer - two-time recipient of Austrian Film Music Award - hereby presents his “temp tracks” (music that serves as a preliminary soundtrack for films).  |
BONECRUSHER: music ranging from sound-sculpture noise drones to walls-of-Jericho-collapsing blasts to delicate webs of air and tone, resonating overtones with layered articulations.  |