The Haydn Orchestra is a formation that is now rare in the world of music: an orchestra composed of the players typical in a Haydn symphony (even fifty years ago this was still the usual size). As artistic director of the orchestra since 2003, Gustav Kuhn emphasizes precisely this unusual feature. The climax of this new artistic direction is a recording of all nine Beethoven symphonies on modern instruments. “The emotional states of the music can be performed just as well on modern instruments as with a philological interpretation of the scores,” says Gustav Kuhn. “Joy, innocence, seriousness, tenderness... it’s not the end of the world if I express it with gut or steel strings or some other way.” |
5CD | Orchestral | Classics | Haydn Orchester von Bozen und Trient | Special Offers |
Even before he became Arnold Schönberg’s student, Alban Berg wrote some 40 Jugendlieder, ’early lieder’: Romantic poetry as mirrored by the Fin de Siècle.  |
The Mahlerlieder album concludes Musicbanda Franui’s inspiring trilogy about the art of the Lied in the 19th century.  |
“A Beethoven that bubbles over with joie de vivre!” (Tagesspiegel, Berlin) Gustav Kuhn’s Beethoven-recording of Beethoven’s First and Fifth Symphony.  |