The infiltration of microorganisms of sound, restless reticence, ephemeral slitherings, whisperings, whizzings ... – and all of it develops a kind of intensity only the great Italian master is capable of creating. Salvatore Sciarrino’s opera Macbeth was presented in the fifth, and final, year of the Kontinent series, and is now for the first time made available for your listening experience at home on this col legno release. The booklet comes with a text by Ilija Trojanow and Otto Katzameier interviewing Salvatore Sciarrino. |
Otto Katzameier, Macbeth Anna Radziejewska, Lady Macbeth Richard Zook, Banquo/Ghost/Attendant Sonia Turchetta, Soldier/Banquo's Son/Murderer/Messenger Thomas Mehnert, Duncan/Gentleman/Macduff Vokalensemble NOVA Klangforum Wien Evan Christ, conductor |
2CD | Opera | Contemporary | Salzburger Festspiele | PRIME colors Edition |
Recommendation |
Number 4 of the Salzburg Festival “Kontinent” series was dedicated to Wolfgang Rihm. We have compiled a selection of the works for your convenience – including a first recording!  |
In 1993, the Salzburg Festival presented Nono as a sound seeker in their series "Zeitfluss", focusing on Das atmende Klarsein (1980/81).  |
From poetry to drama – Nono’s progress towards a "new modernism:" Das atmende Klarsein and Io, frammento da Prometeo in exemplary recordings. Finally available!  |